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Amber’s Tips & Tricks

ISV Spotlight: Greenshades

Lower the Cost of A GP Upgrade

Free Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Training

Fantasy Football Impact Your Workplace?

Partner Add-On Webinars

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Did You Know?
Bears have two layers of fur. A short layer of fur keeps the bear warm. And a long layer keeps water away from the skin and short fur.
During the spring and summer, most people eat more carbs. However, they develop a tendency for fattier foods in the autumn, which leads to seasonal weight gain.

Amber’s Tips & Tricks

Dynamics GP Video Tip: How to Easily Generate a List of Unreconciled Bank Transactions

There are 2 ways to generate a list of unreconciled bank transactions in Dynamics GP. Option 1: Generate the report under Financial Reports. Option 2: Use a Smart List.

This video tip will show you both options so you can choose which is easiest for you. Watch the Video Tip

6 Tips to Lower The Cost of A Dynamics GP Upgrade

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 is here and GP 20515 is coming at the end of this year. There are 8 factors that can impact the price of your next upgrade. But we have outlined 6 tips you can use to help you save money and lower the cost of a Dynamics GP upgrade. Read Full Article.

Interested in an upgrade? Contact CAL to schedule a discovery call.

Free Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Training on YouTube

If you are looking for training on Dynamics GP2013 R2 an easy, and free, source is YouTube.
Read the Full Blog post

Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP.

How Much Does Fantasy Football Impact Your Workplace?

It was estimated that fantasy football may cost employers more than $13 billion in lost productivity, as “millions of Americans who spend the season helming imaginary football teams spend work hours reviewing player statistics and managing their pretend rosters”. Read the full article here!

ISV Spotlight:  Greenshades

Affordable Care Act compliance webinar for CAL clients

With the Affordable Care Act looming, do you have what your business needs to be compliant on the New Year? Do you have ACA concerns or questions? Let us handle that. Greenshades Software has been helping our clients handle Payroll and Human Resources for over 20 years. Whether you need help with tracking employee eligibility, new reporting requirements, or everything in between, our suite of products can be configured to solve for even the toughest challenges.

Join us for a webinar to learn more about this information and much more, and discuss with a Greenshades representative who will be available to answer your questions. Webinar Options:

Tuesday October 7, 2014 11:00 AM EDT
Thursday October 9, 2014 2:00 PM EDT

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Upcoming GP Add-On Webinars

SalesPad Training/Webinars
by SalesPad Various Dates and Sessions

Take Dynamics GP Paperless
by Managing your Process, not the Paper by PaperSave

You’re Clear to Launch with Dynamics Report Manager
by Rockton Software 9/25/14 1:30 PM EDT

Secure Credit Card Processing in Dynamics GP
by k-eCommerce 9/22/14 1:00 PM EST

Advantages of Online Bill Payment for Dynamics GP
by k-eCommerce 9/22/14 1:30 PM EST

Integrated eCommerce for Dynamics GP
by k-eCommerce 9/23/14 2:00 PM EST

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