There was a time when pricing was simple. Yearly or quarterly product catalogs included columns listing standard prices at lot quantities. Now that customers can search online for anything and compare prices easily, static pricing is a thing of the past. To compete on price your sales reps need to know the margins for each item so that they can negotiate with confidence.

The right answer

A system that allows your sales reps to see order profitability and negotiate at the line item level has a powerful competitive advantage. Especially important for distributors who deal with volatile supplier pricing – like grain, metals and food – margin based pricing can mean the difference between profit and disaster.

Support for complex pricing matrices, delivered to your sales people in an easy to understand format, allows them to offer creative pricing scenarios. With full insight into margins, a salesperson can cut the price to the bone on one item with a hefty profit balance from another.

In addition, with real-time data connections your sales people can pass on savings from manufacturer promotions as soon as they hit the market. Never again miss an opportunity to close the deal on the first call.

The bottom line

When your sales reps have full insight into line item margins they can close the deal faster. No need to go back to the office to reprice or call the manager to ask for a special offer.

With Microsoft Dynamics GP the answer is YES.

Next steps:

If you are a small or mid-sized distribution company evaluating accounting software, contact CAL Business Solutions to determine if Microsoft Dynamics GP is right for you. 860-485-0910×4.