According to Microsoft, this white paper, released in December 2012, “is designed to make you aware of actions that you can complete to help make your Microsoft Dynamics GP data as secure as possible. Microsoft® Windows®, the foundation of Microsoft Dynamics GP, provides sophisticated standards-based network security. In the broadest sense, security involves planning and considering tradeoffs. For example, a computer can be locked in a vault and only accessible to one system administrator. This computer may be secure, but it is not very usable because it is not connected to any other computer. You need to consider how to make the network as secure as possible without sacrificing usability.

Most organizations plan for external attacks and construct firewalls, but many companies do not consider how to mitigate a security breach once a malicious user gets inside the firewall. Security measures in your organization’s environment will work well if users are not required to perform too many procedures and steps to conduct business in a secure manner. Implementing security policies should be as easy as possible for users or they will tend to find less secure ways of doing things.

Since the size of Microsoft Dynamics GP implementations can vary a great deal, it is important to carefully consider the needs of a smaller business and to weigh the effectiveness of security against the costs that may be involved. Use your best judgment to recommend a policy that helps to meet security needs.

The document is divided into the following information:

  • Chapter 1: Basic Security Recommendations – provides some basic security recommendations for you to complete to help make your Microsoft Dynamics GP data as secure as possible.
  • Chapter 2: Securing the Server Operating System – provides information about securing the server operating system.
  • Chapter 3: Network Security – provides information about securing your network.
  • Chapter 4: Virus protection – provides information about the different types of viruses that exist and what you can do to help keep your computers from being infected by a virus.
  • Chapter 5: Microsoft Dynamics GP Security – provides an overview of the security features available in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Download the white paper “Microsoft Dynamics® GP Planning for Security” at

If you are need direction on planning security for Microsoft Dynamics GP, contact CAL Business Solutions. 860-485-0910 x4 or

By CAL Business Solutions, Connecticut Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner,