What is the fastest way to build an AP (Accounts Payable) Check Batch in Microsoft Dynamics GP? Watch this video tip to find out and then see how fast you can build your next batch.



Video Transcription:

This is Amber Bell from CAL Business Solutions.  Today’s topic is, “The Fastest Way to Build an AP Check Batch in Microsoft Dynamics GP.”

There are several ways to select the items that you want to pay in Microsoft Dynamics GP.  Today, we’re going to focus on the fastest and easiest way.  Log in to GP, select Purchasing and under Transactions pick Edit Check Batch.  When the window opens, you can put in your batch ID.  I usually use my user initials and the day’s date.  It will ask if you want to add a batch.  Go in and say Add. Pick your checkbook and then Tab.

In my screen, I have my column selected as vendor name and total amount paid. But as you can see I have multiple options.  On the other side I made my columns the document number or invoice number from the vendor, the due date, the amount remaining and the amount paid.  I could also put the discount date, terms taken, and a description.

We’ll go ahead and take off a couple of those and now I can see as I click on the different vendor, each of the items, I can see their description.  So I want to make a check batch.  I have my aging sitting in front of me.  I’m told I need to pay everything due to Advanced Office.  I simply check the box.

I also want to go ahead and pick a couple items for American Express, I just want to pay this bill.  For this vendor, as you notice, I’m clicking on here.  I can pick all of the items or just one.  Here, I’m going to pick this one and this one.  As you can see, it’s updating my total amount due or, total amount to be paid.  If I click print checks, I jump right to the print checks window and to my check number.  Click print and I would have all of my checks.  So that’s the quickest way to build a check batch.

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By Amber Bell, CAL Business Solutions , www.calszone.com