AP automation software is a topic a lot of our clients are asking for. Did you know that Mekorma MICR for Payables has added advanced automation features to the product many of you already own?
Here are a few details:
- Multi-Batch Management Service: Activating the new Multi-Batch Management (MMM) within Mekorma MICR for Payables takes the core product to the next level. MMM can automatically create payment batches based on your set criteria, printing checks/EFTs, posting payment batches, creating EFT and Safe Pay files, across companies and checkbooks from one unified screen. This short MMM video will give you a quick overview of what the service can do. This service is available in the latest builds of MICR 2013, 2015 and 2016. There is a small monthly fee based on your use of this service. The cost is dependent on the number of batches you are processing each month.
- Mekorma MICR for Payables is the core product behind the new Multi-Batch Management Service and is already owned by many of our Dynamics GP clients. The core features of Mekorma MICR for Payables offer additional security features like, User Based Security with Secure Approval Workflow, Encrypted Electronic Signatures, Check Image Archiving and Audit Logs. This Mekorma MICR Video will demonstrate the products core features. These features are included with the purchase of Mekorma MICR for Payables and the yearly enhancement cost associated with owning this product.
If this information about Mekorma MICR for Payables and the new Multi-Batch Management service has sparked your interest contact us. We’d be happy to work with Mekorma to schedule a demo and show you the ways their solutions can help.
By CAL Business Solutions, www.calszone.com