With the 18.5 release, Microsoft was really excited to have the feature which allowed you to print a 1099-NEC form with boxes/lines on blank paper. (Similar to what they do with Payroll W-2’s) The customer feedback was strong, Microsoft needed this on all the Payables 1099 forms. I know we have all been there where we waste away an entire afternoon and 30 pre-printed forms making oh just this little adjustment, oops, one more inch to the left. So many printer options and drivers, oh my, you all hear what I’m saying!
With the release of 18.6, all, yes, I said ALL, the Payables 1099 forms will now print on blank paper, Miscellaneous, Dividend and Interest.
You can use this when you need to reprint a form from a prior year to send to a vendor, or they have seen customers use it as a way to verify the 1099 information prior to submission. It is much easier on the eyes to review a pre-printed form.
Note: With the 2022 Year-End form changes from IRS the “For calendar year” field is now blank. In prior years it was populated/printed with a year. On this new form, the year is printed from the “1099 Year” field in the above Print 1099 window.
In the 1099 Print window choose the option One Wide with Box. Below is an example of the Miscellaneous form.
OH, so pretty!
What a nice way to kick start us off into the year-end season with all pre-printed form!!
Continue to check back to the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2023 – Feature Blog Series to review upcoming blog posts related to our new features and other helpful resource links.
For detailed documentation on all the features: Microsoft Dynamics GP Detailed Documentation
By CAL Business Solutions, Connecticut Microsoft Dynamics GP / 365 BC & Acumatica Partner, www.calszone.com
Read the original post at: https://community.dynamics.com/blogs/post/?postid=7449371a-6268-ee11-a81c-000d3adadbcd