Using Keyboard shortcuts aid accessibility and can make it easier and more efficient for Business Central users to navigate to different areas and elements on a page. These shortcuts can take your Dynamics 365 BC productivity to the next level!

Here are a few General Functions Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+F1 Business Central Help
  • Alt+Q ( ⌕ ) Open Tell Me
  • Alt+N ( + ) Create a new record
  • Alt+Shift+N Close a newly created record and create a new one
  • Ctrl+Alt+F1 Inspect page and data
  • Alt+F2 ( ⓘ ) Toggle FactBox area
  • Alt+T My Settings
  • F5 Refresh Data
  • Shift+F12 ( ☰ ) Role Explorer
  • Alt+Shift+W ( Pop-out a page to a separate window Icon) Pop-out a page to a separate window
  • Alt+O Add a new note for the selected record
  • Ctrl+F12 ( ⤢ ) Switch between slim/wide page

Data in Lists Keyboard shortcuts

  • Alt+F7 Sort column in ascending/ descending order
  • Alt+F3 Filter on selected cell value
  • F3 ( ⌕ ) Toggle the search box
  • Ctrl+Enter Change focus from filter pane back to list
  • Shift+F3 ( oggle filter pane; focus on data filters Icon ) Toggle filter pane; focus on data filters
  • Ctrl+Shift+F3 Toggle filter pane; focus on totals filters
  • Shift+Alt+F3 Add filter on selected field
  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F3 Reset Filters

Check out the full, printable Cheat Sheet of Keyboard Shortcuts here!

Learn more about Dynamics 365 Business Central

If you are evaluating ERP solutions or looking for a trusted partner, let CAL Business Solutions help. We would be happy to have a discussion to learn more about your organization and needs. Contact Us today !

By Amy Mackiewicz, CAL Business Solutions Inc., Connecticut Microsoft Dynamics GP / 365 BC & Acumatica Partner,