Are your business operations spiraling into chaos? We can help.  Acumatica ERP is the ultimate solution for streamlining your workflow. It’s a powerful control panel at your fingertips, capable of managing every detail from production schedules to inventory tracking and quality control. Acumatica’s Work Centers provide a centralized, real-time view of your operations, enabling you to make fast, informed decisions with confidence. This bird’s eye perspective ensures that you navigate challenges with ease and boost productivity across the board. Embrace the power of automation and elevate your business operations with Acumatica Work Centers. Experience the transformation and discover how indispensable they become to your success.

What Are Work Centers?

A work center is like a designated station within your production facility. It can be a physical area where specific tasks are performed or even a virtual space for digital processes. Think of it as the hub where raw materials transform into finished goods.








Here are the key points about work centers:

  1. Purpose: Work centers define the who, what, and how of production. They link resources (machines, labor, tools) to specific tasks or operations.
  2. Components:
    • Machines: Physical equipment used for manufacturing.
    • Labor: Skilled workers who operate machines or perform manual tasks.
    • Overhead Costs: Administrative expenses, utilities, and other indirect costs.
    • Process Sequence: The order in which tasks occur.
  3. Why Work Centers Matter:
    • Efficiency: Properly configured work centers streamline processes, reducing bottlenecks and idle time.
    • Cost Allocation: Work centers allocate costs to specific operations, helping you understand production expenses.
    • Scheduling: Work centers determine the sequence of tasks, ensuring smooth production flow.

Setting Up Work Centers in Acumatica

Now let’s dive into the practical steps for configuring work centers in Acumatica Manufacturing:

  1. Access the Work Centers Screen
  • Open the Work Centers (AM207000) screen in Acumatica Manufacturing Edition.
  • Here, you’ll define your work centers, so each Bill of Material (BOM) operation can reference the appropriate work center.
  1. Create Work Centers
  • For each work center, provide essential details:
    • Name: A descriptive identifier (e.g., “Assembly Line A”).
    • Description: Briefly explain the work center’s purpose.
    • Standard Cost: Set the standard labor rate if applicable.
    • Backflush Options: Decide whether to backflush materials and labor automatically.
  1. Machine Configuration (Optional)
  • If your work center involves machines, configure them under the MACHINES tab.
  • Specify machine details, such as capacity, availability, and maintenance schedules.
  • Note that these machines apply to the entire work center and cannot be overridden at the BOM or production order level.
  1. Best Practices
  • Keep It Simple: Avoid unnecessary complexity. Each work center should serve a clear purpose.
  • Regular Review: Periodically review work center configurations to adapt to changing production needs.
  • Collaborate: Involve production managers, engineers, and operators in the setup process.

Configuring work centers in Acumatica Manufacturing empowers your production team to work smarter, not harder. By understanding the flow of tasks, allocating costs accurately, and optimizing resources, you pave the way for efficient production.

Want more information?  Learn more about Machine Capacity and Machine Schedules for Manufacturing in our previous blog.

Then contact us at CAL Business Solutions to learn more about Work Centers in Acumatica and how to set them up for your business.


By CAL Business Solutions Inc., Connecticut Acumatica & Microsoft Dynamics GP / 365 BC Partner,