Our Story: Benefits of Moving from Microsoft Dynamics GP to Acumatica2023-04-17T15:43:36-04:00

Our Story: Benefits of Moving from Microsoft Dynamics GP to Acumatica

When we began selling Acumatica Cloud ERP we knew the best way to really understand it from all sides was to use it internally. This allows us to recommend Acumatica to our clients, not just based on the technology, but from the standpoint of a user.

We are in a unique position to compare Microsoft Dynamics versus Acumatica, as we are both implementers and users.

Blog Series: Compare Microsoft Dynamics GP versus Acumatica

In addition to technical comparisons, we also feel it is important to document the benefits we have seen internally from moving from Microsoft Dynamics GP to Acumatica to run our own business.

CAL Business Solutions is a Connecticut based professional services/consulting business with 28 employees and approximately $6million in annual revenue. This series of blog posts outlines our story.

The Benefits of Moving from Dynamics GP to Acumatica to Run Our Business

Case Study: CAL Business Solutions

This case study outlines our move from Microsoft Dynamics GP to Acumatica including the challenges, the solution, and the benefits. CAL Business Solutions went from five separate systems down to one single version of the truth.

How We Saved 30+ Hours a Month Automating Renewal Billing with MAXQ for Acumatica

We have more than 300 customers and more than 90% of them have active annual support plans. The annual renewal process has been a laborious, time consuming manual process. Now, the entire process is automated in Acumatica that saves us about 30 to 60 hours every month.

How We Improved Our Collections Process with Acumatica AR Statements

Most ERP solutions allow you to generate an AR statement that you can attach to an email, but the process isn’t always straightforward. We knew how we wanted out AR statements to look, but we couldn’t make it happen with Dynamics GP. Now we use Acumatica and it has made a huge difference in improving our collections process.

Our Experience with Credit Card Processing and Compliance in Acumatica versus Dynamics GP

In the past accepting credit card payments from our customers was always been a bit of a headache. An expensive, labor-intensive headache. Now, since our company is using Acumatica, the process is easy. We have more options. We no longer do manual double entry. And we will save at least $1,000 a year in credit card processing fees.

FRx Was My First Love But Now Acumatica Makes Financial Reporting Even Better

I have used Acumatica for almost three years since we switched our internal systems from Dynamics GP to Acumatica and I can honestly say I have fallen in love with financial reporting again. Management Reporter just didn’t cut it. Analytical Report Manager (ARM) Reporting Tool in Acumatica is similar to my first love, FRx, but even better.

How We Customized Our Customer Dashboard in Acumatica Cloud ERP

Since we now use Acumatica Cloud ERP internally to manage our own business, we customized our customer dashboard to show us the information that helps our ERP consultants do their jobs better. This dashboard, customized to the needs of our consulting business, helps us to serve our customers faster and function better as a team.

How We Simplified Employee Expense Payments with Expense Management and ACH in Acumatica

In the past, we were paying employee expense reports as a two-step process. Now, in Acumatica, we are able to utilize the Acumatica import/export scenarios in Expense Management to be able to pay our employees automatically instead of manually. Acumatica makes it easier for our employees to enter expenses too. If you can do less work, then it makes sense to use that feature even if you are a relatively small company like CAL Business Solutions. We tested the process on our own business. So now we can recommend it with confidence as we believe every single one of our customers can benefit from this.

How an ERP VAR Created a Consultant Dashboard in Acumatica Cloud ERP

Most ERP systems have dashboards for salespeople. However, as an ERP implementation Partner, or VAR, we do not have a team of salespeople. We wanted to use Generic Inquiries to customize our internal Acumatica system and create a dashboard for our consultants. This consultant dashboard gives them the information on one single screen that they need to have on a daily basis to be productive.

How We Use Acumatica Business Events to Keep Our ERP Consulting Team Up to Date

Each of our 300+ Microsoft Dynamics GP and Acumatica clients has an account “owner” at CAL. So what is the best way to make sure the account owner is always “in the loop”? At CAL Business Solutions we have set up a Business Event to send an alert to the account owner if a major activity, such as a development project or an upgrade, is scheduled by anyone else on the team.

How Our Controller Uses Business Events in Acumatica to Eliminate Manual Monthly Processes

In the past, our Controller was manually sending out emails to clients with overdue invoices each month. Using Business Events in Acumatica completely removed this difficult manual task. The Controller saves three to six hours a month of her time. Plus, she does not have to wonder if she missed sending any emails.

INFOGRAPHIC: Our Story: Moving From Microsoft Dynamics GP to Acumatica Cloud ERP

In 2016 we made the bold decision to move from our beloved Microsoft Dynamics GP to Acumatica. We did not realize the transformation this would have on our business as we consolidated five separate systems into one. We have been down this road. We can help you get to one version of the truth.

Do you have a specific question about how we use Acumatica versus Microsoft Dynamics GP?  Let us know and our team will write about it.

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