CAL Business Solutions, Inc.

About CAL Business Solutions, Inc.

CAL Business Solutions provides sales, installation, training and support for Microsoft Dynamics GP and Acumatica accounting software. Founded in 1982, CAL works with over 300 customers nationwide with a focus on Southern New England. If you are considering new accounting software, upgrading your existing system, or currently use Microsoft Dynamics GP or Acumatica and want the best local support and training, contact CAL Business Solutions.

Video: How Much Does Microsoft Dynamics GP Cost?

It’s not as easy as finding a price tag on the bottom of the box and software is only a fraction of the total cost. There are four main areas that you need to keep in mind. Licenses, maintenance, services and hardware. Find out more about each cost and where to get detailed information.

By |2022-03-24T16:47:08-04:00May 13th, 2015|Dynamics GP Demo/Videos, Dynamics GP Promotions/Cost, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Why Choose Dynamics GP|Comments Off on Video: How Much Does Microsoft Dynamics GP Cost?

George’s Four Favorite Reasons to Upgrade to Dynamics GP 2015

Dynamics GP 2015 has been out for almost 6 months now, and summer is a great time to plan your upgrade. Here are a few features that I am the most excited about in Dynamics GP 2015.

By |2021-11-09T10:46:45-05:00May 8th, 2015|Dynamics GP New Features, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Why Choose CAL?, Why Choose Dynamics GP|Comments Off on George’s Four Favorite Reasons to Upgrade to Dynamics GP 2015

Is ACA Reporting the Reason to Stop Outsourcing Payroll for Dynamics GP?

Are you thinking about Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance? If you use Dynamics GP and outsource your payroll functions, now is the time to evaluate bringing payroll in house.

By |2022-03-04T13:28:13-05:00May 7th, 2015|ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Marketplace/ISV Partners, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Why Choose Dynamics GP|Comments Off on Is ACA Reporting the Reason to Stop Outsourcing Payroll for Dynamics GP?

The CAL Zone – Microsoft Dynamics GP Newsletter – April 2015

  • Dynamics GP Video Tip: Find Records & Transactions in GP
  • ISV Spotlight:  BI360: The Complete Business Intelligence Suite
  • GPUG Summit 2015: The Ultimate Dynamics GP User Learning & Networking Event
  • How to Motivate Yourself in 10 Easy Steps
  • Dynamics GP Blog Posts, Dynamics GP Promotions and Upcoming GP Add-On Webinars
By |2024-08-06T15:45:21-04:00April 25th, 2015|Acumatica, CAL Zone Newsletter, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP|Comments Off on The CAL Zone – Microsoft Dynamics GP Newsletter – April 2015

Sales tax risks facing manufacturers along the supply chain

Manufacturers face sales tax risks at many points along the supply chain. Whether selling to retailers, directly to consumers, or supplying wholesalers and distributors, the unseen costs of errors in sales tax management can decimate the bottom line.

By |2021-11-09T10:46:47-05:00April 7th, 2015|Distribution Industry, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP|Comments Off on Sales tax risks facing manufacturers along the supply chain

The CAL Zone – Microsoft Dynamics GP Newsletter – March 2015

  • Tip: How to Simplify the GP Home Page for New Users
  • New Features: GP 2013 R2 vs. GP 2015
  • Why I Love Rockton Tools
  • 11 Tips for Productivity
  • Dynamics GP Blog Posts, Dynamics GP Promotions and Upcoming GP Add-On Webinars
By |2024-08-06T15:45:21-04:00March 25th, 2015|Acumatica, CAL Zone Newsletter, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP|Comments Off on The CAL Zone – Microsoft Dynamics GP Newsletter – March 2015

My Complete List of HR, Payroll and Tax Vendors for Dynamics GP at Convergence 2015

Are you looking for a Human Resource, Payroll or Tax add on for Microsoft Dynamics GP at Convergence 2015? One of our clients has this goal. So we made our best effort to compile a list of the booths he should visit.

By |2024-06-17T20:38:39-04:00February 20th, 2015|Dynamics GP Events, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Marketplace/ISV Partners, Microsoft Dynamics GP|Comments Off on My Complete List of HR, Payroll and Tax Vendors for Dynamics GP at Convergence 2015

Convergence 2015 Sponsor Theatre Sessions for Dynamics GP Users

The following companies are presenting short 15 minute educational sessions for Microsoft Dynamics GP users to give you a more detailed look at their solutions. These sponsor theater presentations will be located at the “Social Media Wall” area in the Convergence Expo Center.

By |2024-06-19T07:33:35-04:00February 20th, 2015|Dynamics GP Events, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Marketplace/ISV Partners, Microsoft Dynamics GP|Comments Off on Convergence 2015 Sponsor Theatre Sessions for Dynamics GP Users

The CAL Zone – Microsoft Dynamics GP Newsletter – February 2015

  • Dynamics GP Video Tip: Automatic Excel Report Dashboards in Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Are You the Biggest Threat to Your Business Being Audited?
  • Microsoft Convergence & GPUG Summit 2015 Events
  • How To Stop Failing At To-Do Lists
  • Dynamics GP Blog Posts, Dynamics GP Promotions and Upcoming GP Add-On Webinars
By |2024-08-06T15:45:20-04:00February 16th, 2015|Acumatica, CAL Zone Newsletter, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP|Comments Off on The CAL Zone – Microsoft Dynamics GP Newsletter – February 2015

12 Questions To Determine the Cost of Your Dynamics GP Upgrade

Even if you are still evaluating Dynamics GP for a future purchase it is a good idea to budget the cost of upgrades and know what type of information you need to track.

By |2023-10-28T10:49:13-04:00February 3rd, 2015|Dynamics GP Promotions/Cost, Dynamics GP Upgrade Resources, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Why Choose CAL?|Comments Off on 12 Questions To Determine the Cost of Your Dynamics GP Upgrade

Dynamics GP Video Tip: How to Simplify the Dynamics GP Home Page For New Users

When you are new to Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting software, you can set up the home page the way it suits you best including simplifying the home screen.

By |2022-03-25T11:47:31-04:00January 30th, 2015|Dynamics GP Tips, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Navigation Tips, Set Up/Security/Admin Tips, Video Tips|Comments Off on Dynamics GP Video Tip: How to Simplify the Dynamics GP Home Page For New Users

Dynamics GP Video Tip: Easily Find Records and Transactions in Microsoft Dynamics GP

It is so satisfying to be able to find information quickly. This video shows you three ways to find your customers, vendors, items and accounts quickly.

By |2022-03-25T13:10:11-04:00January 23rd, 2015|Add On Tool Tips, Dynamics GP Tips, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Navigation Tips, Video Tips|Comments Off on Dynamics GP Video Tip: Easily Find Records and Transactions in Microsoft Dynamics GP

The CAL Zone – Microsoft Dynamics GP Newsletter – January 2015

  • Dynamics GP Video Tip: The Fastest Way to Build an AP Check Batch in Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Products From 10 CAL Customers Featured in Video Series
  • Microsoft Convergence 2015
  • 6 Ways to Start 2015 on a High Note
  • Dynamics GP Blog Posts, Dynamics GP Promotions and Upcoming GP Add-On Webinars
By |2024-08-06T15:44:58-04:00January 15th, 2015|Acumatica, CAL Zone Newsletter, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP|Comments Off on The CAL Zone – Microsoft Dynamics GP Newsletter – January 2015

Dynamics GP Video Tip: Live Refreshable Excel Reports from Microsoft Dynamics GP

Did you know that there are built in Excel Reports in Microsoft Dynamics for all the modules: Sales, Financial, Purchasing Inventory and more.

By |2022-03-22T16:04:42-04:00January 9th, 2015|Dynamics GP Tips, ERP Tips & Tricks Blog, GP with Excel/Word Tips, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Video Tips|Comments Off on Dynamics GP Video Tip: Live Refreshable Excel Reports from Microsoft Dynamics GP
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