This is a newly designed window inside of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 enables users to view related purchasing documents in the same window.
This feature provides improvements to SmartLists and Excel Reports for Analytical Accounting (AA) transaction information.
A critical element in successfully delivering Dynamics GP as a cloud offering is the ability to centralize and automate the provisioning and management of the application.
One of the top suggestions for employee self-service functionality is to let the employee view and print their own W2.
If South Dakota, Colorado, and Connecticut are any indication, states are starting to publicize common sales tax management errors.
- Microsoft Dynamics GP Tip: Set up Partial and Deferred Payments
- Why Upgrade to Dynamics GP 2015
- CAL Connect2016
- Dynamics GP Limited & Self Serve Users
- Dynamics GP Blog Posts, Dynamics GP Promotions and Upcoming GP Add-On Webinars
It’s not as easy as finding a price tag on the bottom of the box and software is only a fraction of the total cost. There are four main areas that you need to keep in mind. Licenses, maintenance, services and hardware. Find out more about each cost and where to get detailed information.
Every time a new version of Dynamics GP is released I am eager to learn about the new features and predict which ones will be the most exciting for our clients.
Dynamics GP 2015 has been out for almost 6 months now, and summer is a great time to plan your upgrade. Here are a few features that I am the most excited about in Dynamics GP 2015.
Are you thinking about Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance? If you use Dynamics GP and outsource your payroll functions, now is the time to evaluate bringing payroll in house.
Compliance isn’t for wimps. Just ask accountants and tax managers. After all, compliance isn’t just number crunching and spreadsheets. Following the sales [...]
If you are running payroll on an older version of Microsoft Dynamics GP, there are two important reasons why you need to upgrade before year end.
A quick list of the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 top 32 features blog posts, so you can easily find the ones that matter most to you.
Did you know that Dynamics GP users on Perpetual Licensing can get FREE Self-Serve Users until June 27, 2015? Dynamics GP Self-Serve [...]
Dynamics GP Self-Serve User licenses provides access to users that only need to view and modify their own employment data and make purchase requests for their own supplies.
The Limited User license in Microsoft Dynamics GP is designed to give you a lower-cost alternative for extending ERP functionality to users who only need to perform limited tasks.
- Dynamics GP Video Tip: Find Records & Transactions in GP
- ISV Spotlight: BI360: The Complete Business Intelligence Suite
- GPUG Summit 2015: The Ultimate Dynamics GP User Learning & Networking Event
- How to Motivate Yourself in 10 Easy Steps
- Dynamics GP Blog Posts, Dynamics GP Promotions and Upcoming GP Add-On Webinars
The more employees you have, the harder it can be to manage vacation time, sick leave, & other PTO options. Learn how to keep count of days without becoming a vacation planner.
Problems? Aren’t EAP systems supposed to solve problems, not cause them? Sure. But hasty choices, a poor fit or the wrong expectations [...]
Sales tax rules are incredibly complicated. If you are asked, “Do you need to charge sales tax on a Milky Way candy [...]