(208) 629-0770 x 801
3943 Irvine Blvd., #110
Irvine, CA 92602
Company Overview
Ei Dynamics is a business process management (BPM) company that augments the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics.Company Detail
Founded in 2007 Ei Dynamics is headquarted in Irvine, CA. Ei Dynamics has over 100 reseller and OEM partners. Over 90% of Ei Dynamics’ resellers have
focused accounting software consulting practices centered on Microsoft Dynamics product lines. Ei Dynamics has developed hundreds of pre built alerts for various ERP solutions including Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL and NAV and will do the same for the remaining Dynamics platforms.
- Ei Dynamics’ solution features the following benefits that augment Microsoft Dynamics:
- Central point of control for all your activity based requirements.
- Ei Dynamics provides an economical workflow engine that will drive services for you for you at current billing rates because of our value.
- Low cost of ownership and quantifiable ROI or Payback
- Distribute information not only via email but also fax, ftp, printer, text message, web and Twitter
- Ei Dynamics requires one learning curve across multiple Platforms
- Augments the capabilities of GP’s SmartList and Business Alerts or SL’s Communicator or Dyna Alerts or NAV’s To Do
- Cost effective alternative for process improvements as compared to upgrading to the Dynamics Advanced Management version