CAL GP CloudFrequently Asked Questions GP Cloud FAQs

We want to make the “CAL GP Cloud” experience as SIMPLE for you as possible by answering your questions up front, in advance.

Q: What is the price for CAL GP Cloud from CAL Business Solutions?

A: You can see current pricing at  or email us at for a quote (*hosting services are only available to CAL customers. If you are not currently a CAL customer but are interested in becoming one, contact us to schedule a discovery call).

Q: What exactly does ‘hosted’ mean ?

A: HOSTED: You have the option to purchase the Dynamics GP software licenses upfront for a one-time cost, then you can pay a monthly cost to have these licenses HOSTED in a data center. You own and our cloud partner hosts. This eliminates the cost and maintenance of hardware/servers and additional licensing. You can bring the software back on premise at any time if your needs change. Upfront costs are higher, but long term costs are lower. If you already use Dynamics GP, you can host the system you already own. You will no longer need to worry about server/hardware maintenance and security.

To learn more about hosting Microsoft Dynamics GP Online and the “CAL GP Cloud” offer contact or 860-485-0910 x4.